Fatima Tariq
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Fixing Stuff Around Yourself

This activity really helped me to have the practical experience of the knowledge that I got by completing the online course on Leadership.

It’s an initiative to start taking responsibility and ownership and start practicing Leadership in daily life. You don’t have to wait for some big opportunities or some miracles to happen for you to show your leadership skills. You can start by merely taking the control of your surroundings and hold yourself responsible for small tasks and that will help improve your Leadership Skills.

When I started doing this activity I was in my bedroom (as always 😂)

That’s the surroundings where I was while doing this activity. (excuse my pathetic photography skills)

So, I thought of making my med and arranging my side tables and dusting the whole room.


Since the pandemic situation is getting really worse it’s safe to stay at home and that’s what I do. I hardly leave my room except for having meals and stuff. That’s why I think there’s not really a point in making your bed every day plus also the fact that I am lazy. My mother would have a lot to say about that though.

If I hadn’t been asked to do this then I for sure wouldn’t have done it today because I usually do the whole cleaning and arranging and all of my room on weekend. (there’s of course daily basis cleaning)

I must admit that I felt really good after doing this activity because I did it all on my own. It was leadership without authority because no one asked me to do it and I took responsibility on my own and just took action. KHUDI and AMAL.

